Today was a meal at noon at Tommy's church. Yum, I love to eat out like this. It was also billed as a Valentine dinner. I heard nothing about Valentine's. Oh well. The real reason was it was the church anniversary.
Last week was a breakfast, today was lunch, and there is a dinner in two weeks. this is my kind of church.
There were so many delicious things to eat. The church provided fried chicken from Publix, rolls, and tea, water, drinks.
I am so lazy. I took two packages of Valentine candy in a bowl. There was some left, so I just dumped it on the dessert table and I suppose someone took it. We agreed we did not need candy.
I had a fried chicken breast, a bit of broccoli salad, two grape tomatoes, strawberries, six green beans, and a roll. Tommy ate more. For dessert I had a cherry cobbler and peach cobbler. I only got a piece of cobbler from each, about 2" square.
They provide to-go boxes. I brought home a breast for me, leg and thigh for Tommy, one roll that we halved, 5 strawberries, about a half cup of macaroni and cheese that we shared. We ate leftover cabbage I had cooked.
I loved that I did not have to cook all day. Since the dinner was advertised as Valentine's celebration, the lunch tables were decorated and so were the church doors--large red Valentine wreaths. Half the women in the church wore red somehow. One woman had on a beautiful pink coat. Everything seemed quite festive.
We left and went straight to Sam's Club for something I wanted. When I parked, I found out I left my purse at church-far, far away. I called the people I knew would be there last and they had found my purse. Soooo, we had to fly back to get it, holding the people up. Tommy had told me he had my purse in his walker basket.
I did get what I wanted at Sam's, came home and will have to return it. sigh After getting my purse, we went elsewhere. We went to wash my car. I bought a bug and tar remover to try and get the crud from under the spoiler. I hand cleaned under there at home, flew to carwash to make sure all the product was washed away. I still have crud under the spoiler and do not want it removing the paint and rusting.
We sat around instead of taking a nap. I am just about out of my a2milk, so went to Publix to get some and found out it is on sale--$3.50 for a half gallon. Once again, I bought six half gallons. We are not going out in the rain predicted for the next four days. I have bananas and milk. There is plenty of other stuff to eat like fruit, vegetables, and meat and canned food. There is no reason we have to leave for food.
We can be boring.