For several years I have wanted to attend Storm Spotter Training classes. The classes seemed inaccessible--too early, too far away, and too much walking. This year, I am closer to the event, hence the early hour was very doable. The event was held at the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center before, and I knew how far I would have to walk.
This year it was held at the Hoover Met. Tommy and the woman I called assured me the walk was not far. In reality, it was more than I could handle without the walker and still painful. But, I soldiered on.
I carried for each of us a chicken sandwich, water, and a halo. I also just carried one bottle of orange juice and one package of package of pb crackers. Neither of us needed the crackers or juice. They were selling box lunches ordered before the event and brought to our venue. We did not order, of course.
At lunch we had our sandwich and halo and were quite satisfied. The people with box lunches announced they had extra ones brought over to sell for anyone who did not order. It appeared they were reduced from all the comments we heard.
After the scheduled lunch break, a woman came up front with two lunches, offering them. I asked the price. When she said "free," I took one.
Around 2 pm I hurt so that I felt like I was going to throw up. We left and came home. So, I will have to complete the training online. I really hated missing out on the whole class.
We both took a bite of the sandwich to taste it once we got to the car. There was a chocolate chip cookie, large and full of chocolate chips and a small bag of chips. He wanted the chips while I wanted the cookie. That worked out well. I go for sugar, and he likes salt!
Later that day, we had vegetables and the remain of the nasty sandwich which consisted of thin, tasteless turkey from deli with slice of cheese, tomato, and lettuce.
Well, so far this has been all about food. The storm watcher program was taught by Brian Peters, a retired employee of the National Weather Service for 36 years who has now been a weather person on 33/40 for 16 years. The two young weather women were very popular at this event. I spoke with one who seemed very nice.
We learned lots while there. Many of slides of tornadoes, storms, and clouds were shown and discussed. I will have to figure out the last hour online.
Yay for the event and boo for having to leave so early. the chairs were petite folding chairs, the little white ones used for weddings. I suppose I will have to bring my own easy chair to
I came home and took a four hour nap and my back still hurts from the event! I have wanted to go to Storm Spotter Training for years and it finally happened. We spent nothing...the plan for a free adventure. Oh, forgot to say that we got a very nice bound, spiral notebook with pen and loop for it and a tote bag with James Spann's picture on it in the pose of "uncle sam wants you.: He is saying , "Do you have a plan?"
Have you ever trained to be a Storm Spotter?