
Pink Purse, $40 for Me, Free KFC, $5 Sale

Really, I had still not gotten over going to Cullman on Thursday and Saturday, church on Sunday, and shopping one day. But, we set out early this morning with a list of things to do.

About 8 am a man called in answer to an ad I placed to sell the live trap, the one for raccoons. We thought we were going to a lunch, but it was cancelled. So, I called the guy who met me and was going to pay $5 for the trap. He only brought a $20 bill. I had put money back into Tommy's wallet for him while he drove, and I knew he only had that $1 and a $20. I had 2 $20 bills and a $1. The place where I met him could not give him change.

He laughed and told me he would give me  $5 later. I took the $20 from his hand and told him I would give him his $15 later. He playfully snatched it back and offered me $3 for the trap. I told him no and he remembered he had quarters. It turned out he only had 7 quarters. So, I gave him the trap for $4.75. I think I was had! If I had not been so tired, I would have told him to go find another twenty-five cents.

At the PO, I hit the jackpot. I got a Happy 1/2 Birthday card from KFC--buy one meal and get one free. Nice! Plus I received a check for $40 from this research at UAB, the gardening one. By this time, it was almost lunch, so we went to get out KFC. I bought our lunch with the card and part of the $40.

I had chicken for sandwiches if I had known there was no lunch today. But, free KFC worked.

I shopped--eggs, maple syrup, slaw mix, bananas, and strawberries. Strawberries were 3 1-quart packages for $5--$1.67 each. They were at Publix and looked delicious.

Back here, I bought potatoes--5 lbs. for $2, bought two bags. I really want potato broccoli soup again.

The polls were empty. I walked right in and voted with no one in front of me. So, that is done.

Since 5 pm when we arrived here, I have done nothing...okay, ate a KFC donut with milk. My body is trembling with pain. I drove home, so my hands hurt, too.

The best part of the day--I received money to buy a pink purse. I have wanted one for years. It is a SAK and so pretty and pink. It was reduced and had a coupon.

Tonight for dinner--chicken seasoned with some Applewood herbs, steamed broccoli, slaw. This will be easy since the chicken is cooked and slaw and steamed broccoli are no-brainers.

I think I did well today and need to keep up the momentum on making money. How was your day and bargains.

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