
Bone-Breaking Pain

I feel pain today to my bones. in my bones and in my muscles. It is hard to move. I am miserable.

What did I do to feel this way? NOTHING.

That is the problem. I brought in a shopping bag, the size they sell at Publix. In it I carry water for the day, two orange bottles, the mail I get at the PO, several things. It weighed less than three pounds. I also had my purse which is too small, but also too heavy.

As I lay in bed for an extra hour before getting up about 8 am, I knew I could not go on like this. The pain affects everything I NEED to do which is basically cook simple meals, wash only a few dishes, and take care of my personal needs.  I thought about it.

After I carried in the shopping bag and purse, I had to stand to unlock the door. Standing still hurts. Then, I made two more trips to the car to carry in three quarts of strawberries in one bag, bananas in the other and something small. I returned and got something else, light enough but too heavy.

Today, I told Tommy about how this was too much for me and that I could not help him so much. Actually, it is not helping him, just carrying things I actually want to carry and can. He gets tired, too, just as anyone would, but three more trips down and up the ramp do not leave him incapacitated for days.

Last night, I heated chicken in microwave, steamed broccoli in the microwave, and poured cole slaw mix onto his plate and squirted mayo on it. I was too tired to eat.

He told me that he like the slaw mix but mayo on top was all he needed because he liked it. Strange? But, last night, even the mixing of slaw was beyond what I could think of doing.

I am not putting more on him since he eats too, just cutting back on picking up things and multiple trips holding items and traipsing up and down the ramp. Ramps hurt my back and knees. Steps do hurt, but not as much. So, there!

I should not be in so much pain. Even my eyes hurt!!! Tests may show deficiencies, but I will adjust.

I said it takes three days to recover from activity. However, if I overdo it day after day, it can take two of three weeks. Life is not worth living under those terms.

Tell me--do you have so much pain?

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