Miracle Workers
Dark Ages
It appears this is the second season of a series. Do you watch it? Have you? I am absolutely fascinated. I hear last season was Heaven. I think they saved everyone, not sure. Do you know?
Even though I have no drawers here, I do have a "junk drawer." I was getting a collection of non-paper items on the end table as I looked through paper stuff, tossing or filing. Tommy got a little gift bag with things in it from the dentist. I started using that for small items that need to be put away. Or given away. Well, some will remain in my "junk drawer."
Don't you think that a bowl of Dove in the shape of a heart would be a good thing to take to a dinner at church?
Tonight, I put a huge package of boneless, skinless breasts in the oven to go with all the vegetables I cooked yesterday. I love leftovers!`
I hacked off a lot of my hair today.
The right elbow may be getting better, but I cannot imagine what I did to make it hurt and swell so.
There is Modern Family on from 7 to 12 pm. Tommy has never laughed so loud as he does at this show. And, I had to beg to watch it at first.