I think the injection in the little bag is gone. Maybe I knocked it out of the car as I got out at the dinner on Thursday night. It was sort of dark. I give up.
Today was the first of the month birthday breakfast. I got up and beat and strained a dozen eggs. The eggs were not cooking, so I decided to turn up the heat a bit. Then, in pain I sat down in the living room. When I rushed back, the very full skillet was puffed up. The bottom was tough and browned. I raked it out and left the runny part in the middle to continue cooking.
I ate that bit and determined I would just buy something from Publix. I had slept about 15 minutes on Saturday night. yuck
As I ate, Tommy said it was too bad we did not have more strawberries. WHAT!? I can take strawberries! He said he ate a half quart and there would not be enough. I reminded him there were two more quarts tied up so he would not get into them. I was going to make strawberry shortcake on Monday.
I quickly washed the other full quart and almost full quart. I put them on a clean dish towel. I had him wash his hands and slice off the top. There was at least a half inch of white on the strawberries. So, they fit into the little square serving dish I was going to use for scrambled eggs. Saved!
At the breakfast I was shocked. A woman in her 40s with a cognitive deficiency was in front of me. We both got a donut. A few moments later, I heard her mother yelling that the woman could not have the donut, to stop. The mother rushed over and grabbed the plate. There was much loud talking back and forth about her not eating the donut. No one knew why not.
Finally, I figured it out. She had given up sweets for Lent. ??? I have no words.
After church I bought more strawberries because I cannot find my nail polish remover and wanted to buy some. I have put about six layers on because could not locate it.
At the breakfast I asked a long-time friend of Tommy's if she knew of a cleaning woman. Tommy did not say a word. In church I asked a man behind us who lived next door to Tommy, just a year younger. He said he did. So, I gave him my number. Tommy did not say a word. I suppose he will pay without a fight.
First day will be the kitchen. Next time--bathroom. One room at a time. Since I am not sure what the cost will be, I am not sure how quickly this will go. Whatever she charges, it will be worth the cost.
Laughing here...Before we left the house this morning, I told Tommy to get the milk in the freezer. About an hour before we left, I put the half gallon with enough milk for me in the freezer. I knew it would not freeze enough to be even icy once we took it in the car and waited to eat.
At church I pulled out a full half gallon. He does not listen to me.
Then, after I got up about five o'clock this evening, I was looking for my purse and he insisted on going out to the car and looking for it. He brought in the half gallon of milk we had left in the car. sigh Not his fault or mine, just happened.
THEN, I got out the nail polish remover from the bag where I brought it in. THE BOTTLE WAS OPEN AND LEAKING!!!
Does it seem that things keep going wrong when you are at your lowest, lacking sleep? Tell me about it.