
Keto Shortcake Recipe or Not

No, I did not make keto shortcake

As I was looking online for the Bisquick shortcake recipe, I saw that Bisquick comes in a keto version and I can make shortcake from that. The following recipe is not keto. I need to look for the keto version in the store.


    If you have Bisquick, then you have the recipe on the back of the box! Happy indulging!

    4 cups sliced fresh strawberries
    1/2 cup sugar
    2 1/3 cup Original Bisquick mix
    1/2 Cup milk
    3 Tbsp sugar
    3 Tbsp butter or margerine, melted
    1 container (8 oz) frozen, whipped topping, thawed.


Mix strawberries and 1/2 cup sugar; set aside. Heat oven to 425 F.
Stir Bisquick mix, milk, 3 Tbsp sugar and the butter until a soft dough forms. Drop by 6 spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 10-12 min or until golden brown. split warm shortcakes; fill and top with strawberries and whipped topping.

Servings: 6 shortcakes
High Alt. (3500-6500 ft); Heat oven to 450 F. for shortcakes, decrease sugar to 1 Tbsp.
450 degrees. 10-12 min.

Number of Servi
copied from https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/

The dough will be VERY soft.

Now, this is how I made it--Use 6 Tbsp sugar and 6 Tbsp of butter. Okay, maybe I did not double it because I don't measure anything but the Bisquick. And, I never use whipped topping at all. Basically, these shortcakes are buttery, sugary biscuits. Maybe you can add butter and sugar to your biscuit recipe.

Several times, I have gotten it absolutely too buttery. Then, I need a spoon to get it onto the baking pan. It is delicious, though.

I would make the original version for breakfast for my children and no topping. They had a glass of milk. They got this maybe 3 times a year and were very happy.

There is no need to remind me I do not need to use Bisquick. I like it.

Last Monday, the temperature was 73F degrees. I was joyous. This weekend the temperature will be 70F, so with DST and high temp, it will seem like summer already.

When I go into a store to shop, Tommy just sits in the car. I keep a shopping bag in the car when we go out. Various items are put in this bag--water, oj, coupons, pb crackers, Kleenex. Then, there are ads and my mail, pens, lists. I tell him to make himself at home with the bag. I often pick up a glossy magazine type ad. He reads these.

He is very busy in the car until he finally naps or just watches people. He keeps his console very neat and goes through and organizes and discards his fast food coupons. He reads my glossy ads/mags. He eats, drinks, reads my mail that I volunteer he can read. Some of the mail is from insurance or ss information, so nothing personal.

Very seldom does he ever call me to encourage me to come out of the store. Lucky him!

Yesterday, with all the groceries in the car, I brought in the ice cream, bananas, and my purse. He had to bring in all the water, cokes, and groceries. When he brought in all the produce, I did go in and put that in the refrigerator.

Last night, I felt much better. This Saturday morning all the horrid pain is gone. But, know I some have pain every minute of the day. So, there is that constant, just not the overwhelming assault of pain.

Okay, Tommy has relented this afternoon and called someone to unclog the kitchen drain on Monday. He says it is my fault because I put things down the sink. NOPE, not my fault. I wipe grease from pans and scrape food from plates and into trash.  The bathroom faucet needs replacing because it s 50 years old and has a leak that cannot be fixed. I suppose he would rather call back with $140 service charge.

He keeps pointing out it is his house and he will do it (attend to drains) his way. Remember--he just had someone out to clear the bathroom drain. He refused to have the kitchen drain fixed because it was not bad enough yet. His money-saving methods do not work most times.

Tonight is taco casserole and salad and later strawberry shortcake. YUM!

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