If you call shopping "busy," we were busy shopping for food and stuff.
orange juice in little bottles for in the car
toilet paper on sale
vinegar for unclogging the sink, laundry, and dish washing
baking soda for laundry, dishes, and sink clog
shelf stable milk--4 quarts
$1 broom
Hormel Chili without beans on sale
6 half-gallons of a2milk
Command hooks
door knob
chocolate Stage Plank
4 8-ounce chunks of Kraft Medium Cheddar Cheese
pair of summer pants to see if they fit
metal scraper thing for putty. . .putty knife?
Android phone...cheap
I visited Publix, the Pig twice, Dollar Tree, Lowe's and another store. I had to go back to the Pig because there was no electric cart the first time.
There is one clock in this house, by his chair. When I need to know the time, he changes the channel on the TV. He keeps his clock by him turned with the face away from me. He says the radio sounds better when turned that direction. I have never heard him listen to the radio. Oh, there is a clock that is a train picture and makes a train noise every hour and half hour. He hates it and the batteries are out. But, the ugly thing is on the wall.
The putty knife is for scraping off the foam insulation left stuck to the door. I bought the insulation a few weeks ago. I have been too ill to clean the old off and put the new on.
He must keep a five-gallon bucket with heavy stuff in it in front of the utility room door so the door will not blow open. So, I bought a door knob. Now, I can lock it and will not have to move that heavy bucket that is slowly crumbling all over the carport.
I used his Lowe's card for clock, Command hooks, and doorknob. He looks at what I buy and never says a word. That is how I got his Christmas present of the front door locks. I think he takes a stand and cannot change his mind. So, he says nothing about what I buy. He is funny and cute that way.
He has not owned a broom in 20 years. I intend to buy a broom from industries for the blind, also.
The sink in the kitchen drains so slowly that I am going to give it a good dose of vinegar and baking soda. Instead of the two quart pot of water, I will boil a two gallon pot of water and get Tommy to pour it down the drain. If we fail, we call a plumber! He is sort of resigned to that.
Three pennies appeared out Tommy's door as he got in. I shrieked to him that there was a penny. "Actually three. They were here when we went in" He cannot bend to get them, but I told him to alert me next time. I ran around and got them. A Loomis armored car was next to us, so I suppose they are not into picking up pennies since they were using a hand truck for their trip into the store. That makes five pennies for the year I have found.
Tonight, we had salmon croquettes except made with a can of tuna, sweet potatoes, broccoli and halo. My back hurt so that I could have done no more than stand for the skillet of croquettes cooked with no oil. Even dishing up the leftover broccoli soup and sweet potato was excruciating for my back.
I believe it was high 50s today. Cumulous clouds were pile high all around the incredibly blue sky. The sun made the tops look snow white. The whole appearance was of meringue piled high. Great day all day. We got along great from the time I got up until now, almost 9 pm. Hooray!