
This and That

Wednesday, today, the tomatoes were in my sight, sitting on a plate. We did get ten tomatoes for $6 at the Farmer's Market. As I passed the tomatoes, I started thinking how good tomato sandwiches are. So, that was my late breakfast or early lunch, whichever way you think about. Toasted bread, tomato, and a good amount of Miracle Whip was delicious.

I slept well after I finally slept, but that meant I awoke late, getting 8 hours of needed sleep. It throws the whole day out off kilter! However, one ankle is really swollen. That worries me, but the other ankle is okay. The plan is to stay off my feet as much as possible with the leg at least flat if not elevated.

It is warm outside, 75F at 3 pm. I had things to do today since it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I will find toothpaste if it is the last thing I do.

I had a coupon from CVS that I did not want to expire, so we ran out for a bit. I got the one item and used a coupon. Before I checked out, I went to the coupon machine and received a $2 coupon on anything. I found a giant tube of regular Crest for a giant price. My hand will hurt from using this weighty tube. I need clothes pins in order to pin washcloths and panties along a regular hanger instead of having to only hang two items at a time on hangers. This will certainly cut down on so many hangers to hang in door facings.

Unfortunately, these were cheap plastic clothespins--$1. The price was right but I do not know about the quality. Since I will be the person using them, I think they will last. I don't abuse things. I spent $15 and saved $5 with two coupons. At least I have part of the $20 bill left.

Today, I had many calls to make but never got around to it. Okay--tomorrow.

It is supposed to rain tomorrow afternoon and become pretty and very cold on Friday. Having to walk so far to the washing machine is bad enough, but rain and/or cold just adds insult to injury.

That's it, a busy day with not much done.

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