When I awoke Thursday, I hurt all over like I had been beaten. Joints, muscles, and even skin were aching and throbbing. That was the result of yesterday's ordeal. I told Tommy to wake me t 10:30. When he did, I just told him to let me sleep. I awoke from a deep sleep at 12:45 pm.
I did nothing today. Well, I did hang up two pair of panties from the clothes I washed on Wednesday.
Thankfully, Tommy can feed himself. He had cereal for breakfast and was making a pb sandwich shortly after I lay down to watch TV when I awoke. The chicken, potatoes and a salad made up dinner which I did heat and bring to him. Frozen vegetable will accompany chicken tomorrow night.
Today, I needed to get milk, so I will have none for breakfast. grrrr I need to return something to Belk's and another chore on a list. I hate to do this on Saturday in Birmingham. I hate doing anything in Birmingham. What I could do in five miles in a loop in Cullman takes a 40 mile loop in Birmingham!
When Modern Family is over, I have to hang the rest of the wet clothes. Having such a case of vertigo makes movement difficult.
Do you ever reach such an exhausted state that the next day you are worthless? Do you ever get vertigo so bad that you can barely walk?