Yes, I know this and hope someone has a little insight. Since my stomach does not empty as it should, I have been told to eat a low residue/low fiber diet. So, there go the apples with skins, sweet potatoes and regular potato skins, and a lot of other things--nuts, seeds, good things for me.
Just as the diarrhea was horrific, the opposite is worse. I have had two bottles of calcium citrate and Sprite, plus a gallon of water with not solid results! I cannot walk or exercise, so I sit on Tommy's rollator seat and march 50 steps per session. At first, it helped. Now, there is just pain.
I think I may end up in ER if this continues.
I went to bed for a nap on Tuesday instead of cooking the chicken, but it is in the refrigerator thawing. I hate both the sweet potatoes, so Tommy gets those. That will work with the chicken. Plus, I have lettuce and tomato.
After I had been here about three days, I asked Tommy where his refrigerator crispers were--under the table. Why did you take them out?--I don't know. How long have they been out?--about 3 years. ??? One day, I will wash them and put them back in. They don't appear to be filthy or anything.
The guy wheels out the food at the food bank and loads it into the vehicle. We decided to never bring in what we do not want, to donate it to someone who might need it and like what we don't need or like. We also received a loaf of bread and pita sandwich things. And, i got a white towel and hand towel. The towel was not the cheapest, but not expensive. The hand towel had a "Hilton" tag and said guest on the tag. Right now, I can use these kind of things--small economies.
We stopped by the Farmer's Market, but there was nothing I wanted. I am still waiting for one guy's second tomato crop. There weren't many vendors there today. I almost bought two fried pies, but knew we were getting sweets from two places. The food bank thankfully gave us only one sweet--a package of four muffins, two banana and two chocolate chip. Since Tommy cannot abide bananas, I ate those even though chocolate is my favorite.
At CVS they have some sort of wellness thing going on. At the front of the store is a bin with the tiny packages of Kleenex and masks. Evert time I go in, I get one of each. So far, I have four masks and four packages of Kleenex. This is an instance of small economy.