
A Clog (not the shoe), A Cough, A Coronavirus

Last night, I slept about two hours. That was tragic since I will have to be up early on Tuesday and Wednesday. I needed to sleep this Monday morning. He was yelling at me about untrue traits I have and how this pipe clog is all my fault. The plumber disabused him of that idea, saying it was a huge clog, reaching far.

The plumber was scheduled for 9:30 or 10:00. The stuff on this table by me needed to be neatened a bit and other stuff removed. Believe me, no cleaning was accomplished or a complete decluttering. I had gotten up at 8 am and piddled around, ate breakfast, tried to wake after two hours of sleep.

At 11 am, he was still not here and I was panicking about no sleep. Finally, at 1 pm he left. $319

He took something (short piece of pipe) out from under the sink and used an electrical snake on its on cart. There was trouble, so he called the guy who sent him to help him. Finally, when he finished, he sat in the truck and smoked then wrote out the bill. I just wanted him to hurry so I could sleep.

I slept from 1:30 to 5 pm. Since then, I have tried to recover, put frozen chicken in  turkey bag with two potatoes. I had to eat, so I had a hotdog. I know it is not the best choice of all the food I have, but I did. Then, I made coleslaw.

All I have left to do is color my hair. It is in bad shape. I have to get up at 8 am, so I dread coloring my hair. I can sleep on it wet if I put a towel over my pillow.

I have had a banana and halo today, so I will eat a few strawberries--trying to get in my fruits and vegetables. Potato and cabbage will have to do on the vegetable front although there is carrot in the slaw.

This evening, I converted a pair of earrings to clip on. Now, I have to hang up clothes to dry. UGH

Tommy has not yet noticed the ashtray. It is the square, clear, glass kind with an indentation in each corner, probably the most familiar ashtray ever. You know the kind. I may pour a little Coke in it before we leave tomorrow and then try to empty it when we get back.

I have blue nitrile gloves I plan to wear when I leave the house and go into anywhere. When I get groceries home, I have wipes to clean each item before letting it touch my counters or anything. Yes, my bananas will be wiped. I am not afraid, just prudent since there is coronavirus in GA, right next to AL.

I have scared myself because I have started coughing, but I have no temperature, I don't think. I have needed a thermometer for the last six months. My mercury thermometer is the favorite. What brand/kind of thermometer do you use? I see lots but I need a recommendation or need to know if there is a problem with any brand.

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