First, my state
It is now about 2 pm on Tuesday, and I only feel a tiny bit better in spite of a shot and meds to take twice each day. Last night, I managed to get to sleep about 4 am. I had told Tommy to wake me at 11 am. So, I got up and took meds.
Yesterday, the thought of cooking overwhelmed me. Besides, there was no more chicken and no leftovers since we had eaten them. I decided I wanted Dominoes or something to avoid the kitchen. Tommy could tell I was ill and decided we would go get pizza.
Before I went to bed I "discovered" a whole baked chicken breast and another half one. Gee, what am I thinking? Am I thinking???
So, I will put sweet potatoes in tonight. The chicken is Maybe cooked cabbage is a good idea and something I do not have to stand to cook. Sounds like a good way to burn cabbage, just leave it.
Last night, Tommy had the heat on 64 and it was 67 in the house and 47 or so outside. I was suffocating and he turned on the fan and left the heat set where it was. Today, he has the ac on and the fan, too.
Yesterday, he took the laundry to washer and got it in. I was afraid I would tumble off the edge of the carport. The vertigo and sinus infection leave me feeling vulnerable. I did manage to get the few dark pieces hung up to dry. He will take another load out today.
Generators to batteries, all are tax free this coming weekend. The generators have to be under $1K. In parts of Alabama the tax is 10% and the local tax is not charged either. So, I need to figure the best strategy to save the most money.
I will be buying batteries since I lost all those and actually need batteries.
Tommy cannot hear me unless he mutes the sound, so I suppose I am weak as ever.
That is it. I am going to take a nap later.