For the last few years, Tommy has been my listmaker. I can do it, but he is often just sitting while I will be walking around doing things. He is very willing, so I continue to call out things.
I make all kinds of lists. When I was sending food home with him, often one of us would forget what I had for him. He was more than willing to make that list and make sure I had it all together, out of refrigerator and freezer and into his car.
For a while here, I did not have pen and paper readily available. I do now. But, we continue the habit.
The list is mixed up when he writes because I just want it down. When I write the list, the items are separated. The list may have returns, purchases of food and purchases of other items listed in order I call them out. I use one piece of paper and separate returns and grocery stores. It works for us. Works for me.
Sometimes, I then take the list and make a new one, separating the list into small lists on the same page. Plus, I have rarely used a whole sheet of paper. Often the list is made on an envelope of some kind or a half sheet of paper.
Usually, the sheet with the list is for multiple days, not just for the day we go out to shop. Plus, I might not feel like continuing, or it is raining, the store is closed...all sorts of things figure into how much we do or I do.
Then, again, we have blown through a long list and have no carryover for the next trip out to shop. There are so many variables that go into the job of shopping. AND, shopping is a job from the list to getting it in the door and distributed to its spot in the house. There have actually been days that I decided to go home because I had too many things to carry inside even with multiple trips from car to house!
Make no mistake, compiling a list of things to do is a process, sometimes a difficult process.
At one time, I would sit down to make a list. Now, it seems to come in fits and starts.
Do you make lists? I know you do! Is your process different?