

Tuesday, I went to three food banks. I cannot name all we got as there are bags of rice and boxes of pasta I will give to a friend tomorrow. And, I will not all enumerate the items from each source.

I asked one place if they had wash cloths and towels. I received a package of six, Comfort Bay brand. There were shelves of things at another food bank where I got nothing because I was too early in the month. On the shelves were a variety of items. I chose a pink garden hat. It is not blush or hot pink, just pink. Tommy smiled and said it looked good. It is paper! At a different food bank there was a huge box in the floor. We were told we could get one of the new hats. There were also infinity scarves. I like crocheted or knitted items. I chose a hot pink and white crocheted hat. It is the kind that does not come down to fold up. There is a crocheted, hot pink flower on the side. I loved it. Tommy said it looked cute on me. Both hats were new.

At one food bank there were two racks like cards are displayed and full of greeting cards. Each person could get one. I did. Plus, there were free books, one for each person. I got one and only when I was in the car did I realize it was a romance. So, I gave it back to the guy.

Okay, the frozen meats--one capon, a frozen meal for one--brisket and vegetables, huge package of chicken breasts, ground pork. I knew capon was poultry but had forgotten exactly what. A capon is a castrated rooster.

We have already thrown out donuts after we ate our fill. I threw out four pumpkin spice cupcakes. I could choose six breads, so we have that to eat or freeze. One ciabatta. We also got chocolate chip cookies.

There are several containers of fresh fruit--grapes and pineapples, arils, vegetable trays and salads in plastic bags.

We received two glass jars of pasta. Remember I had bought two jars last week and two this week? Now, I have six jars to conceal from the light. Eight ounces of mozzarella cheese. What else could I make with spaghetti sauce?

There is a chocolate mousse. a cream cheese cake.

There were a dozen cans of fruit I will use and about the same that I will give to a friend if she meets me. Otherwise, I will give it to a stranger on the street.

I suppose I am finally rid of the Mexican guy who is American citizen. I told him to bring me my live trap at my house at 12 noon. At 11:45 he called demanding to know where I was because he was sitting in the parking lot at my house. He has been here 40 years and calls the street a parking lot. While talking to him and juggling a bag with a cup of French fries and burger, I dropped it upside down on the floor in Tommy's car. I was furious because the guy was going on about how I was not there. grrr We went to my house and he had the trap. He refused to move it so I could open my door without hitting the cage. Finally, when the door contacted the cage, he moved it.

Then, he asked me if he owed me anything. He said it three times because I was confused and he thought I did not understand the words. I said he did not owe anything and he said, "I can pay you because I have money." I suppose that was to impress upon me the fact I was not jumping on a man with money. I just made an mmm sound and closed the door. THEN, Tommy took my burger out of my bag with two fingers and dropped it when I yelled that it was falling apart. Dealing with J gives me a headache. Thankfully, the burger and paper fell together to the floor and I could rescue it. The fries went on the curb where some animal will enjoy them. There is no reason we should ever speak, but I can bet money he will call me again. He rushed off to his new truck, really nice one.

So, three food banks and food from only two. I got the wash cloths and pink garden hat, new with tag, from the others.

We are both exhausted. Tonight, we will share the bit of turkey in the Stove Top Stuffing. It is mostly white turkey meat and little stuffing. Plus, Tommy will have the raw vegetables to finish the meal.

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