
Corona Virus and Planting a Garden

I am not prepping for the Corona Virus. While I am not totally going all out, I am not ignoring the virus either.

We were watching the latest news about the spread of the Corona Virus. I started thinking what we could do to be safe. Since we are older, we might not fare well. He had no idea what to do. I did.

My main defense would to avoid people! But, we all need things--food, medical car, gas for the car. As long as we are not required to be present, we would not go anywhere. I know the argument that the stores would be bare of food. Just maybe people would not go so often. Who can say?

The one thing I would do is to order groceries from Walmart of Publix or Amazon. Rather than come in contact with other customers, I would have to be as the mercy of people for fruit and vegetables. Would the teen picking my groceries even care what my bananas looked like? sigh

I know a doctor who would let me sit in the car and rush in the back door. Of course, I could still catch something, so I would have to be really ill to go to any doctor. I do have four silly little masks, hand sanitizer, and Lysol to spray.

Using a card in the gas pump would provide a way to avoid more people. I asked Tommy if he would stop going to church. He said, "Yes!"

While I don't obsess over this, I do try to at least mentally prepare for changes.

There was probably a year's worth of food that went into the dump. Here, I have continued my buying of sales and loss leaders. I think Tommy is sometimes puzzled by what I buy, but he is not puzzled when he gets meals he likes and did not have to fix.

I suppose avoiding people is the best tact.

Today, I had an appointment to meet with the researchers who are sponsoring gardens for seniors. Their aim is to determine if growing a garden helps health of seniors. First, I was in a room where I was weighed and measured. I held this instrument to determine my BMI. And, I stood to determine how well, I can balance standing different ways.

The second room was harder. I had to rise from sitting without using my hands to get up. Then, I had to see how many times I could do it in one minute and several other tests.

Lastly, I went into another room to have blood drawn. I told the guy where the blood was...lol. There is a place where no veins are visible. However, plunging a needle there at almost a 90 degree angle will hit blood. The guy poked around forever, and he decided to try. Eureka! He was pleased I could help him and thanked me.

They kept promising me "snacks" when we were through. I got a hat with the program logo, sunscreen, a pack of peanut butter crackers, and a tangerine. I asked for a tangerine for Tommy. They gave me PB crackers for him, too. They offered me two waters, which I took. When we got to the car, he said the PhD over the program offered him crackers. He took them and ate them while he waited for me. We spent about an hour and a half at the program.

I will be given raised beds and everything needed for a garden. Since everything of mine was stolen, it will be a good thing to start over without such a big expense. I am excited. Planting a garden through this program has nothing to do with getting food in case of the Corona virus reaching here. This program has been in the works for me since last year.

How are you prepared for the Corona virus? What can you do?

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