Today was the breakfast at church for November birthdays. I took Breakfast Bread from Publix. It is a dark bread, not sweet, filled with fruits and nuts. The fruit is not densely packed like fruitcake. Tommy has refused to even try it at my house. I could not believe my eyes when he got a piece. THEN, he took scrambled eggs! he hates eggs!!! He tried to explain his way out of it,
Do you remember when he was cutting 1/2 off my hair and showed me three inch pieces? Well, it occurred to me today that he was not being contrary. His blood sugar was low. He was not seeming to understand that the three inches of hair were NOT a half inch. What scares me is that he went straight to his car and drove home. We had planned the hair trimming so that he would only have to go down the steps once.
Today, I have not had vertigo once. I have had to be creative with my limited wardrobe. A black pair of pants goes a long way with different blouses and some colorful sweaters. I wore black pants that are supposed to be short, just too short for a cold-weather look. I bought a knee-length sweater and a grey and white short sleeve blouse. I hate the blouse. It has a collar with band like men's dress shirts. I must get rid of that band. I wore the black sandals with knee highs. It worked.
Yesterday, I bought things that had to go back today. We did that. I cannot find Crest toothpaste that is not either whitening or mint. When I shopped in Publix, I forgot to look. Tommy's yucky off-brand will have to do for a few days more. I really hate mint toothpaste!
I kept seeing paper plates on sale and mentioning them. Tommy said we did not need them or just ignored me. Okay, we ran out for two days and I bought more full-price. I think he was holding off until I got my check. Well, that will backfire in a big way. I buy things on sale before I need them. He waits until he has run out and then buys at full price. However, he did ask me several times if I found candy corn on sale. I did. hmmm
Yesterday, the little plastic tub for the sink was too large. So, today, I got a smaller one. NOW, I can soak some of these dirty dishes from the refrigerator and wash them. I did manage to get one pot or cookie-type sheet washed, one a day.
I shopped the Halloween markdowns. Now, I have ten dishtowels I only paid $.44 for each. They have little flowers on them, so not so Halloween-like. No wonder they were left.
Do you shop the Halloween markdowns?