Except I got about four hours sleep. I was ready to go by 9:30. Tommy suggested we get a Hardee's sausage biscuit. Mmmm. As we headed north to my house, the overcast clouds disappeared and we had a beautiful, glorious sunny day. The wind was a little brisk, but my hair held up because I colored it last night. It blew enough to blind me sometimes as my hair is long enough to wrap around my face.
I mentioned to Tommy he had time to call and get a new garbage can. He said he already did.
At the PO, a blogger send me a surprise--gloves, scarf, and Williams Sonoma dishtowels. There were older and wonderful embroidered pieces, too. There may have been more, but I am too beat to look.
We went to my house and the guy who said he would rescue my rocker from sitting in the dirt and being rained on, finally did. I paid him to do it, so I expected it to be out of rain and mud. It was! Two weeks later!
I went to a food bank and traded most of my food for frozen chicken fingers ready for microwave or oven. I gave them all they wanted, not just even trade. The people were a young homeless couple.
The bank had to order new checks since mine went to the dump. Either that or they are buried in a bag with disparate items.
The last time I went to Belk's. I bought a pretty pink blouse two sizes too small. I have no idea how that happened. Now, I have to find the receipt to determine the sale price I paid.
I got no help and left miffed. Actually, I could stand no longer hanging on to the cart.
However, as I was leaving, I spied a beautiful yellow tshirt, originally $39, now 50% off. Since I had two $10 coupons, the blouse was free! Sweet! The tshirt is silky and a bright lemon yellow. I hate the pale buttery yellow or a yellow with a green cast. Earlier, I had bought a skirt that will require me to shave my legs. It is floral with uneven hem and every bright color on the color wheel. The pink an yellow were what I wanted to match.
Lunch under the picnic tree was Burger King's meal for two for $5--Whopper, Jr, fries, and drink. I gave Tommy most of my fries.
Then, we went out to the sweet potato farm and got 80 lbs of Beauregard sweet potatoes. You may remember Beauregard is my favorite variety, My heart was singing.
We went to my storage unit and while we were there used their very clean bathroom. I saw someone from the near past and we talked for almost two hours.
At some point during the day, I went into CVS, Walgreen's, and Publix on a quest to find little bottles in a six-pack, Minute Maid OJ for Tommy when traveling. I cannot remember where I found them.
Then we had to drive back here bring in all we got, 80 lbs of sweet potatoes, and my free yellow blouse.
The new garbage can was in place!