
A Little Scare, Pressure Cooker, Bargains, New Stores

It is a little past midnight, Sunday night still to me. The high was 86 today, but still warm. It really rained, not just the occasional sprinkle.

My yellow mum liked the rain and sun since I put her out from under the porch. She was getting five hours of sun, mostly afternoon sun. This afternoon when we left, the whole plant had little yellow flowers starting to open. Hopefully, the whole plant will turn yellow soon.

Today, I went to the doctor for sinus and uti. Uti is not much according to doctor. I got a prescription for the sinus problem and a cortisone shot. I started feeling better in a couple of hours but knew it was the injection.

Then, my blood sugar shot to 320 and frightened me. I chugged bottles of water, exercised, ate green stuff and nothing seemed to help much. Then, about 1 am I remembered the shot. The blood sugar is coming down slowly, too slowly for me.

About ten years ago, I bought a 6-quart stainless steel pressure cooker. I had been using the huge aluminum pressure canner to cook meals and decided I did not want to eat from aluminum. I put the canner together and about that time, the House of Usher started having problems. So, it was one of the stored things I brought here from the emptied storage unit. I had to put it together again. This is not the large, new-in-the box canner that was stolen.

Tonight, I cooked whole, peeled potatoes in it in 10 minutes. We had chicken, potatoes, and broccoli. Tomorrow, I must cook the squash we bought last Tuesday if there is any not rotten. We will have chicken, squash and tomatoes on Monday.

All the spices I have are fresh onions, head of garlic and salt. At home I had different spices for chicken. So, the chicken is rather bland, not a problem for me, but I would like to do better. Tommy's black pepper is nasty to me. He only had salt and pepper when I got here. I bought the onions and garlic.

I bought a Sunday paper here for the first time. $3 is out of my league, especially when coupon inserts were missing. As I was in Walgreen's getting a prescription, I bought two cereals for Tommy for $1.99. I got home and found a better deal in the ad of another store and a coupon. While we were out, Tommy showed me two stores, and I looked them up on the internet. I found two deals at one store, and the other does not have ads instore or online.

I should have checked online for the coupon insert guide and then gone through the paper to make sure they were all present. But, I was feeling so ill I just bought the paper. That won't happen again! I went back to the Pig on Saturday and got 5 more $0.72 cent Starkist Tuna, my favorite.

Today, on the way to the doctor, I was excited to find my favorite brand bread outlet. I asked Tommy how far we were from home--13 miles and in an area where we would not frequent. So, I will have to find another one closer. Bummer!

One store, forgot which, has Pict Sweet frozen vegetables for $1. I will stuff the freezer with those. I paid $1.17 at the Pig last week for PictSweet, or some price like that.

Do you ever kick yourself when you screw up and buy something, only to go home and find it cheaper elsewhere? What do you do to try to recoup the loss? I take the receipt and coupon and ask for the difference back. With the Pict Sweet vegetables, I am just buying more at the better price.

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