Last night, it took forever to cook the zucchini. At first, I put the slices in the oven with the red (bell) pepper sliced in the pan. Then, I figured out everything was just drying out, not steaming, baking, broiling or anything! So, I washed a pan he said he had not used in ten years, put all the zucchini, peppers, garlic, butter in that on the surface. I had to use a piece of foil as a lid. He loved the result. So did it. Maybe I could live on zucchini. With the chicken thigh and sweet potato, he ate well and enjoyed it. There is one more cooked sweet potato, one thigh not frozen, and enough zucchini for two more meals for both of us. He commented he really like the pepper.
On different days, I decide to use something that I owned and he does not. I asked if he had a colander. That is the loudest he was laughed in a long time. No, he does not have a grater. I had seven colanders and three graters. I don't hoard colanders, but I need different sizes, plus one was a gift for someone and another was for a yard sale. My tiny colander was for a few strawberries and the larges was for draining lrge amounts of vegetables. Neither of those were for pasta draining.
Last night was brutal. It was after 5 am before I got to sleep. I awoke at 12:30. I cannot function like this. I can either order a sound machine from the internet, the exact one I need or go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and get one I really do not want. I only want white noise, a swoosh, not one that has a variety of sounds. Or, I can check with nearby drugstores. It I hard to think.
All the thrashing and turning in bed caused my acid reflux to act up. So, I have a sore throat and ear aches. My head hurts.
Tommy is asleep before I can leave the room. Last night, I thought he was dying. His sleep problems are worse than he knows. He has the machine but will not use it. He has always understood the ac or my sound machine helps me go to sleep within seconds.
About his bed--my mattress was so saggy that I basically slept in a bowl. I was in the process of getting slats. When I first lay down on his, I felt like I was sleeping on top of a mountain or hill. There is nothing there. It is perfectly flat and firm almost to the point of being hard. But, it is very comfortable. However, the first week the sensation of lying on top of a hill was strong. I asked him if I could have his mattress after the Rapture. He said I could and then said, "You can have the whole house." We both laughed. Neither of us believes in the Rapture, so it was all funny.
Life today revolves around the Auburn game....sigh. But, I don't really care what he watches. I have my computer and dirty dishes.
Next time I cook so much zucchini, I am going to try a cooking bag. I cook potatoes and carrots along with meat in the bag, so I can probably have success with zucchini and peppers.
two days ago, I burned my arm so badly that I think I need to go to the doctor. It gets worse every day instead of better. The pain was another thing that kept me awake. A salve especially for burns was another thing that was stolen.
Okay, off for breakfast--peanut butter, Miracle Whip, bananas on bread.